Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We were greeted by the Vice President of Zambia today!

We just arrived in Zambia this afternoon and to our surprise were escorted by a government official straight from the airport to the Vice President's office! We had hoped to meet him sometime during this trip but really had no idea if that would be possible. Needless to say that those of us who were wearing t-shirts and jeans quickly changed into our shirts and jackets in the back of the bus! The Vice President and several cabinet members greeted us and wanted to hear about our visit to their country. We were able to share much of our vision about working with the poorest of the poor and empowering them with the principles of Jesus. He was so excited about this that he has invited us to come to his house for a special meeting on Saturday and he has others who he wants us to meet. We left that meeting as giddy as school girls! God is good! Even the king's heart is in His hand!

The last 3 days we have been in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We arrived on Saturday after 24 plus hours of flying. We were graciously hosted by Marta and Demi who I spoke of in an earlier blog. Also staying with Marta and Demi was our friend Sean Sheridan and two of his friends/film crew who are shooting an HD film about the struggles in Africa. I had a great time catching up with Sean and gaining two new friends, Brian and Michael.

We were able to visit the community that Marta and Demi serve in out in the country. What they are doing is remarkable. They started by going to the Muslim leaders of the community in Yetebon with a heart to just serve the people there. The leaders knew that they were believers but the community was in such great need that they welcomed them. The idea was to start a school and health clinic. This couple 12 years later has imparted Jesus into countless people, with 1400 kids being fed and educated in their school just this year. They have not tried to create a program, but have taken care of needs as they have come. During a nationwide drought, Mart and Demi's ministry fed over 200,000 people! What an incredible couple! We had hoped to visit their ministry to get an idea of a very successful work in Africa, and we left with novels of information and excitement in our hearts!

We also met others in Addis who are doing great works with orphans, street youth, and others as well as seeing a program that is educating people with skill training. We learned so much and met so many great people in just a few days that it felt like we had been there for much longer.

Each day so far has been so full of excitement that we all have been hitting a wall at different points during the day. I am hitting that wall as I write and so I think I will head off to bed.

Prayer Request: Tomorrow we head for Mongu, Zambia and the school of orphans that we are hoping to work with. Pray that we will have open eyes and ears to see and hear what God is already doing and how we are supposed to support that. Also for continued favor with everyone we come in contact with, from the taxi driver to the Vice President!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

A little background for the adventure to Africa...

Tomorrow our group will be transported to the opposite side of the globe in order to learn more about our brothers and sisters in need. Our group consists of Wes Anderson, Jeff&Marilyn Vancil, Tom Johnston, Fred Stephens, and myself. What do we have in common? A love for Jesus, a commitment to one another, and a realization that we have a responsibility for those in need. I believe that in reality, we in the western world need those in developing countries just as much as they need us. We go with the hope that we will fall even more in love with Jesus.

Still resounding in my head are Bono's words to those in attendance of the 2006 National Prayer Breakfast, "what will this generation do for those suffering in Africa?" Again the following year, my heart melted for those in need of someone to stand for them when I previewed the movie "Amazing Grace". The thought that a man (and a community surrounding him), would give his whole life to abolish the slave trade. God, do you have such a call on my life? Call: where my greatest joy meets the world's greatest need- Buechner?.

This 10 day trip will be a whirlwind. First stop: Ethiopia, to see friends, Marta and Demi. This is a couple who have gone from escaping with their lives from the Communist regime in their country to now running what Tony Hall calls "the greatest work going on in the whole continent". Their story is layed out in a book called "Sheltered by the King". Marta was the first female senator of Ethiopia and has become one of the most beloved women of her country.

Second stop: Zambia, to witness a community in need in the town of Mongu. We have been blessed to meet and be in contact with the Ambassador to the U.S., Mrs. Lewanika, who has shared with us her heart for the orphans in Western Zambia. Her sister helps run a school that educates 500 orphans daily, with the help of volunteer teachers. We wish to partner with this community as a family from Seattle, and to pray, send friends, support, and love to these amazing children of God.

I hope and pray that I, along with everyone reading, will continue to learn more about the needs of people in our own communities and also across the globe. I want to encourage everyone to read, research, and converse about the plight that children are facing in Africa and to pray how we can be God's love to them. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. I hope to do at least one update while I am in Africa and then one upon my return. Thanks friends!

Monday, May 7, 2007

A whirlwind of anticipation and hope...

When I think of all the amazing people in my life now and all of the experiences God has brought me through, I excitedly anticipate all that He has for this next season we are about to embark on. Let me take a minute to recall these previous 7 years.

When I graduated from City Christian HS in 2000, I could not have imagined where my life is now. I moved in to the 17th Ave house and enrolled in UW to study political science with dreams of someday becoming a successful lawyer. Through many experiences, brothers, mentors, and other providential means He has been equipping me more and more for the work in His Kingdom. After spending these last 7 years now with an amazing family of friends in Seattle, with trips to Thailand, Europe, Israel, the Coastal mountains of British Columbia, as well trips to visit friends around the country, I cannot even imagine what might be in store for me next.

My natural instinct is to try to plan out what I will do when I return from my adventures. Law school or a Master's program are both in my thoughts, but I am still learning how to hold all of my ideas loosely because God's thoughts are much higher and He somtimes leads us on a different path than we think. A friend, Scott Hardman, recently stated that he knows 2 things: 1. Life will not go as you think 2. God is faithful. I like the analogy that our life is a chess piece in God's hand. Sometimes the moves don't seem obvious to us, as we are just small pawns in His incredible universe.

I leave for Africa with 5 friends from Seattle, and much anticipation in my heart. If the Spirit prompts you, be praying that our little group will encounter Jesus in each other and grow in our love for Him. This is just the start of a great adventure...